Phraseology is one of the brightest and most effective means of language. Phraseologisms not only reflect the presentation of the people about the world and its specific mental characteristics, but also the complexity and versatility of the language. That is why they are difficult to understand and translate while working with the vocabulary of English fiction. The founder of the theory of phraseology is the Swiss linguist S. Ballie. B. Larin was the first scientist who raised the question of phraseology as a linguistic discipline. The study of the problem of the translation of phraseological units is devoted to the works of B. Ajnyuk, S. Akhmanova, V. Vinogradov, P. Goretsky, V. Zhukov, R. Zorivchak, M. Kopylenko, V. Kononenko, Z. Popova, A. Reichshtein, V. Telia and others. Phraseological units are of different kinds, and they are often used mainly in artistic works, although in texts of other genres they may also be present. Scientists (I. Arnold, O. Mushnin, R. Zorivchak, Y. Retsker, V. Dykan, V. Vinogradov, T. Kazakova) distinguish the following methods of translation of stable phrasal combinations: translation with the help of the equivalent, by analog, tracing, descriptive translation, contextual replacement. The best way to translate phraseology is to use the phraseological equivalent, that is, the use of the phraseologism in the language of translation. Number of full-equivalents is relatively small. The phraseological analogue is a relative equivalent with a complete or partial replacement of the image, which may be as close as there, and have nothing to do with it. If the translator tries to preserve the imagery of the original in the translation of phraseology, which has no equivalent or analogue in the native language, then the method of verbatim transmission of the image (calcination) is used. The descriptive translation is reduced to the translation of not the phraseology itself, but its interpretation by means of explanation, description, comparison. If a translator tries to find such a Ukrainian phraseologism, which, although it does not answer the meaning of English phraseology, but accurately conveys its content in a particular context, I use the method of contextual replacement. So, there are few ways to translate phraseological units. This is what prompts researchers and translators to find the most optimal solution to this problem. Each literary context is unique, so it is very difficult to talk about a certain standardization in this matter.
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