• O.O. Lysychkina
  • M.M. Miahka
  • M.S. Zamanskii
Keywords: translation, communicative strategy, tactics, television interview, discourse


This article highlights the features of communicative strategies realization in English interviews in terms of translation. The research defines communicative specificity of the analysed discourse, indicates the main communicative strategies of modern interview and the features of their realization in English-Ukrainian translation. It’s outlined that the communicative strategies and tactics convey enhances better understanding of interview in Ukrainian translation. The research data allow to figure out basic communicative strategies which are used by the communicants within interview: the interviewer’s provocative strategy, the interviewee’s strategy of counter attack, the cooperation strategy of the interviewer and the interviewee, the interviewee’s informative non-conflict strategy, informative conflict strategy, prevarication strategy, ignoring strategy and strategy of sincere negative reaction. In translation, it is important to render all the communicative strategies and tactics used by the interviewer and the interviewee. For this purpose, to a number of techniques are used: thorough understanding of the source phrases, the overall content and situation, the meaning of each element, understanding at all levels of the text: from the level of words s to the level of the whole text. Further research in this direction will allow to understand the mechanism of rendering the communicative strategies by means of the target language.


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