• Л.Ф. Муц
  • О.Н. Demihova
  • I.Yu. Karpenko
Keywords: discourse, cognitive map of discourse, concept, metaphor, “concepts inside a discourse” pattern


The paper discusses “the concepts inside the detective discourse” pattern. The article focuses upon the actualization of pragmatic axiological component in the meaning of metaphors which are the main way of bringing to the textual surface the very concepts that form a cognitive map of the modern detective discourse. The article focuses upon the dilemma of actualization of typical conceptual mapping structures which set forth the relationship between the concepts of the detective discourse. The paper discusses the correlation between the concepts in the detective discourse in the field of cognitive linguistics. The article focuses upon the dilemma of switching between the axiological modes via the process of verbalizing of the key concepts functioning in the detective discourse. The article is focused on the analysis of the structure of relations between the concepts in the detective discourse with its cognitive contents being introduced by the metaphors. The article discusses the cognitive nature of the metaphors featuring the expressive function as to verbalize key concepts in the detective discourse. The authors of the article argue that the detective discourse is the very field that gets the pragmatic and pragmatic axiological component actualized when setting forth the main frames in that kind of discourse. The cognitive map of detective discourse is described in the terms of hierarchic correlation of the discourse-forming concepts to introduce the non-stop nature of the communication flow in the space of the detective discourse, as well as between different discourses, where the same concepts are verbalized while performing different functions. The analysis reveals the visible cognitive and communicative shift in understanding the main functions of the concepts in the modern detective discourse.


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