The article is devoted to the analyses of the devices expressing the category of negation in the modern English language. Negation is lexical-grammatical category which has the meaning of absence of connection between certain objects of reality. The author finds out the backgrounds of negation as universal meaningful category and establish various devices that represent this semantics. Negation as lingual universal acquires its realization in the variety of language devices of different levels. Component, definitional and structural-grammar analysis of ways and means of expressing negation in modern English revealed that categorical meaning of negation was expressed by special, component, direct and indirect means of expression, different in level and numerous in quantities. At the same time, we found out that only some of units, expressing the category of negation possessed all signs, required for explication of categorical meaning of negation. Others may have additional signs, not typical for negation. It may be separate lexical units, possessing characteristics of semantic structure or occasional and set word combinations and syntax constructions. As it was found out the investigated units, may express other semantic categories, beside negation, particularly, subjectivity, time, space, category of animated/ not in animated objects, modality, and intensity, and also a series of logical-sense relations that in semantics prevail over negation. We also found cases with implicit expression of negation.
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