• T.S. Pindosova
Keywords: quotation, epigraph, intertextuality, pragmatic function, suggestive function, emotive function


The article deals with the problem of quotation a form of intertextuality. The quotation is considered as an intertextuality form expressed by verbal reproduction of an element of alien text with or without graphic markings.
The article presents the opinions of scientists about the definition of “pragmatic function” and the classification of pragmatic functions in the fictional texts. The pragmatic function of quotation as a form of intertextuality in D. Brown’s detective stories reflects the writer’s attitude to the content of the statement, to the situation, the events. Such approach to pragmatic function gives opportunity to consider the quotation as a means of influencing the behavior and consciousness of the reader in the process of reading a detective story.
We revealed such pragmatic functions of quotations in D. Brown’s detective stories: argumentative – to support the author’s thoughts; predictive – helps the reader to anticipate further events of the detective story; emotional – to create an emotional tension, to cause the reader a sense of participation in the events of the detective story; suggestive – to inspire the reader certain thoughts and ideas, to encourage him to research the information and in such a way to extend the reader’s knowledge.


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