• Maryana Oleksandrivna Akishyna
Keywords: motive, motives of war, concept, concept WAR, English poetry discourse, poetic discourse, metaphor, imagery


The article is devoted to the study of the war motives in modern English poetic discourse. The publication focuses on the ways of implementation of the war motives. The main focus is on the delineation of the terms motives and concept. The need to relate the concept of “motive” to the study of poetic discourse is due to the fact that the motif is understood as a stable semantic element of literary text, which is repeated within a range of literary works, in particular modern poetic texts. The relevance of the notion motif is due to the fact that in the poetic discourse the basis of each motif is stable word-image and leitmotif’s vocabulary. The structurally-meaningful unit that accumulates the idea of war and makes the reader discover the motives of war is the concept WAR. The concept WAR, realized in the language with the help of various means, occu­pies an important place in the linguophilosophical picture of the world. War is a basic phenomenon of culture and can be regarded as a cultural concept that correlates, on the one hand, with the mental processes, and on the other hand, with the world of culture. The main characteristics of the concept are multidimensionality, integrity, universality, constancy, ethnocul­tural marking and verbalization. Based on such criteria, the concept of WAR appears as a mental national-specific entity, the content of which is a set of knowledge about the phenomenon of war. The article clarifies that the study of linguistic perspectives of poetic discourse on military topics is directly related to the problems of information security, peculiarities of information and psychological operations. The research can reveal the techniques for manipulating the consciousness of social or ethnic groups, gaining new knowledge about the linguistic tools of information wars, new knowledge on the prob­lems of “language and consciousness”, “language and ideology”. Modern English poetry discourse contains many motifs of war: the motive of death and the motive of life, the motive of patriotic frustrations, the motive of war control, the motive for the death of civilians, the motive of society, faith, patriotic motive.


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