• Zinaida Valeriivna Bandurko
Keywords: aesthetic communication, E. Kästner, implicature, J. Ringelnatz, content communication, “New Objectivity”, poetic text, reference, self-reference


The article deals with characteristic linguistic and pragmatic features of the lyrical poetic texts of E. Kästner and J. Ringelnatz as representatives of the artistic movement “New objectivity” based on the leading methodological principles of pragmatic poetics and stylistics. The lyrics of the “New objectivity” is denoted by the term “useful lyrics” because it is aimed at the value and usefulness for the reader, who should use it in everyday life, according to the themes of the day and the representation of reality, directed at feelings. According to the linguistic and pragmatic focus of the study based on generally taken differentiation of literature forms and genres the term “lyrical poetical discourse” is used, which is understood as a subtype of the literary discourse, a speech and mental communicative activity of perception and the artistic image of reality or the creation and artistic expression of the fictitious reality as the whole world or some of its elements in a certain unity, in the aggregate of linguistic creative communication of the author of the poetic text with its reader (addresser with the addressee) in the form of a lyrical poetic text, which models the cultural and linguistic universe of a certain era on the basis of the action of the poetic function of language with the help of various linguistic and speech means. Pragmatic characteristics of the lyrical poetical discourse of the “New objectivity” become apparent in three types of communication: 1) aesthetic communication; 2) content communication “author – reader” with two varieties: a) “author-protagonist” and b) “protagonist-reader”; 3) content communication “character 1 – character 2”. The types of communication determine the producing of speech acts and actualization of implicatures. There are two types of speech acts in the lyrical poetical discourse: 1) referential, based on an imaginary reference, and 2) self-referential, based on poetic self-reference. In most of E. Kästner’s poetic texts, assertive speech acts are produced, directives and contactives occupy a significant part, and the most frequent triggers of implicatures are irony, simile and compositional devices. The vast majority of speech acts in J. Ringelnatz’ poetic texts are assertives, directives, contactives and expressives, the most frequent triggers of implicature are foreign language vocabulary, language game, occasionalisms, irony and simile.


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