• Olga Oleksandrovna Grinyak
Keywords: inferential analyses, consept, implicate, indicator of implicate, sense, implicative space


This paper focuses on the problem of disintegration of different types of information created by multilevel semantic structure of the text: context factual, context conceptual and implicational.

The purpose of the paper is to develop basing on the main principles of cognitive linguistics and its branch cognitive poetics the complex methodology of inferential analysis of implicates. The diversity of theoretical interpretations of the nature of implicitness caused by the multiplicity of its semantic-cognitive creation is due to the constant attention of scientists to the problem, the study of which in each new scientific paradigm highlights new facets and prospects of study. To explicate hidden senses the first task is to define the concepts: implicitly, implicative space, implicate, implicate indicator; the second step is to detect symbol words that influence the realization of implicates in poetic texts, the third is by means of the inferential method of analysis to explicate the underlying information.

The methods forming inferential analysis enable to single out hidden senses on all textual levels. The role and place of the components of implicit senses are defined according to the quality and quantity of their indicators. Archetypal symbols, allegorical images, symbols, parables, titles, stylistically marked or salient units of the text, its specific syntactic constructions are considered as indicators of implicates. It is proved that the dominant means in the formation of implicates on the pre-textual level are analogical and contrastive types of mapping, on the intra-textual – constructive and substitutive, on the extra-textual level – the narrative type of mapping.

Results of the investigation and the inferential analysis approbation deal with the linguistic and cognitive mechanisms of formation of implicates in poetic texts, show the chain of cognitive operations that provide explication of implicates. It is viewed that poetic text possesses two sides of verbal expression of author’s attitude to the world around: explicit and implicit.

The integrative model of the implicative space grounds on the mechanisms employed in the formation of its components on different levels of a poetic text. This model helps to define linguistic and cognitive aspects of construing the reality in the American texts of the XX century.


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