• Tetiana Anatoliivna Koknova
Keywords: linguistic-and-methodical training, foreign language teachers training, subject competences, educational goal, higher education system


The main focus of foreign language teachers training in developed countries is to provide the labor market with highly skilled specialists, with a high level of knowledge in the sphere of foreign languages, who are able to effectively select the forms, methods and technologies for successful and efficient teaching at a standard level for the implementation of inter­cultural interaction strategy. Such training is based on the competence-based approach of prospective specialists training. The article analyzes the development of linguistic-and-methodical competence of prospective teachers of foreign lan­guages in foreign countries within the framework of the competence-based approach. It will help to understand and reveal destructive tendencies in the national system of higher education, to identify the prospects for improving the system of development of linguistic-and- methodical competence of prospective teachers of foreign languages in the process of their professional training at the present stage. The main components of the subject competencies development of future foreign language teachers, organizational models of basic training of foreign language teachers, the experience of implementing a competency-based approach in foreign countries of Europe and North America are introduced in the given research. The division of approaches to the organization of educational activities in the framework of the program for training teachers is also presented. The purpose of teaching of future foreign language teachers in the modern foreign pedagogical space is characterized; as well as a number of factors which need to be considered for the effective training of future professional teachers are highlighted. Linguistic-and-methodical competence gives the future foreign language teachers the ability to be competent in both linguistic and methodological aspects, which is a key condition for successful professional activity. The prospects of introducing the above mentioned key competencies into the process of training of future foreign language teachers within the competency-based approach in the national educational system require further study.


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