• Oleksandr Fedorovych Svyrydov
Keywords: extralinguistics, semantic occasionalisms, phytoniums, anthroponomisms, aluzia, sarcasm, onomatopoeia, adequacy


The purpose of the research is to investigate the lexical and stylistic peculiarities of the novel “The Hunger Games” by modern American writer Suzanne Collins in the Ukrainian translation by Uliana Hryhorash.

The purpose determined the solution of the following tasks: 1) to analyze linguostylistic traits of the translated text; 2) to find out the interpreter’s and the author’s individual style features.

The following research methods were used in the work: 1)the method of comparative analysis, for comparing the original and translation texts, identifying elements of the individual style of the author and translator; 2)Explication (descriptive method). As a result of the research, it turned out that the figure, extra-curricular experience, and the translator's erudition, have a tremendous effect on the quality and adequacy of the translation. It was found that before getting down to the translation, the interpreter should carry out a great deal of translation work, which consists of picking up additional information about the author and his work, about the era in which he lived, referring to critical articles, sources of original language culture, etc.

It was found that the translation reflects the individuality of the translator, which appears in the use of lexical and stylistic elements of translation that do not have direct correspondences in the original text. When decoding a text the translator can also produce or identify the features of the first creation which primarily depends on his personality, life and professional experience, views on translation, certain translation instructions, implemented when working with a specific original.

After analyzing the original and translation of the novel “Hunger Games” we came to the conclusion that in general the translator Uliana Hryhorash managed to preserve the linguistic and artistic dominants as components of the idiostyle of Suzanne Collins.

The translation of the novel “Hunger Games” by Uliana Hryhorash is the source of enrichment of the Ukrainian lan­guage. The translator worked on reproduction of the word-building potential of the native language, using dialectal, colloquial, outdated vocabulary, various idioms to enhance the influence on the reader, and achieving the lexical and semantic correspondence of the original and translation.

Uliana Hryhorash performed much of work and was able to reproduce the elements of Suzanne Collins’ style in her translation, as well as adapt the text of the translation for the Ukrainian reader. In general, we can say that the interpreter created the translation worthy of notice, rather than a hash of the work, reproducing the linguistic features of the heroes, styling the translation through the use of rarely used vocabulary, and bringing it closer to the Ukrainian reader through the familiar phraseology, vocabulary and stylistic techniques.

The translation of the novel is adequate from the viewpoint of the original author’s style reproduction.


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