• Andrii Volodymyrovych Shuhaiev
Keywords: cognition, cognitive and pragmatic analysis, matrix, intention, categorization, concept formation, ideology


The article deals with the correlation of media-discourse with the cognitive and pragmatic subparadigm of linguistic studies. A particular attention is dedicated to the mental and verbal combination in the modern media-discourse. The relevant notions of cognitive pragmatics are outlined in the paper. The cognitive and pragmatic approach characteristics are determined regarding to the subject individual concept formation. Moreover, it is figured out that media-discourse and in particular a verbal activity is impossible to research not taking into account a basic mental component. The combination of cognitive and pragmatic aspects of media discourse research taking into consideration human mental processes serve as a basis for the construction of international institutions image. In this respect, the cognitive and pragmatic subparadigm regards a communicative interaction in media discourse as a process of mental activity actualization and focuses on the intentional characteristics of communication. The principle of anthropocentrism is a paper foreground. It means that the subject plays an important role in all spheres of human activity. A cognitive and pragmatic approach enables to combine effectively the ideas of structural and logical linguistics with the cognitive and communicative concepts. According to the fundamental principles of the above mentioned approach, the intention outlines an utterance structure and influences the processes of verbal means formation and selection. An inductive method is employed in all stages consecutively. The research is directed at the analysis of certain material up to the general views and conclusions.

A method of dictionary definitions and component analysis are used to specify a meaning of terms. The use of pressing heuristic instruments makes possible to divide the notional space into dozens of significant topic blocks. Within the analytical and critical stage, general scientific methods are used including an analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, abstracting, specification, comparison, system analysis and linguistic techniques of discourse analysis. The focus on a system (socio- and anthropocentrism) presupposes the interpretation of language and speech activity as a whole that interrelates with a social medium.


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