The suggested article deals with the attempt to solve the problem that has become urgent in domestic translation studies, namely to integrate the theory of implicatures with the theory and practice of translation. The author overviews the latest researches of the foreign and Ukrainian linguists in this field, emphasizes the necessity of combining the theories of the both mentioned linguistic areas, describes the specificity of classifying implicatures in fiction, gives examples of their expression on the level of syntax, grammar and vocabulary. The methods of comparing the source texts in English with the target texts in Ukrainian and the selection of the factual material (expressions containing conversational and conventional implicatures) render it possible to analyse the reasons for applying domestication and foreignization strategies when translating the hidden meanings in the texts of the contemporary Anglophone fiction. A special attention is paid to the existence of two communication types: horizontal communication (the communication between the fiction characters) and vertical communication (the communication between the author and the reader) which differentiation directly relates to the application of one of the suggested strategies in translation. The study of the Ukrainian translation results in finding successful as well as doubtful translation decisions that not only demonstrate the lack of homogeneity in the target text, but also lead the reader astray. In particular, the author determines that the conversational implicatures relating to the horizontal communication are the easiest to render and apprehend. They are most frequently saved by translating with the same means as in the source text or by a partial substitution, i.e. by applying other lexical or grammatical means. Hereby, the translator sticks to the foreignization strategy making notes in the end of the book at the same time that does not change the apprehension of the text by the Ukrainian reader. However, the conventional implicatures tend to be a more complex phenomenon able to cause a translation problem. Since they generally belong to the vertical communication level (author – reader) and require some background knowledge from the addressee, the translator resorts to domestication sacrificing the original imagery but saving the implicature. There are also cases when the translator makes a gross mistake because of the complexity of understanding the implicature that leads to the creation of a different implicature in the translation that gives the reader the information different from the original after its explication.
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