• Larysa Ivanivna Bieliekhova
Keywords: archetypal symbols, image-symbol, linguistic and stylistic means, modernism and postmodernism, re-conceptualization, re-interpretation, image-parable, metabole


This article suggests a comprehensive multimodal analysis of poetic texts and explains the peculiarities of archetypal images and symbols. A special attention is drawn to reveling linguistic and stylistic means which ensure the embodiment of archetypal symbols into the texts of different poetic cultures. It has been argued that archetypal verbal images differ from idiotypal verbal images The former are built with the help of stylistic device of allusion on biblical, foclore or mythological motifs, themes and sjuzhe. The latter are construed on reconceptualization of meanings of archetypal symbols. Multivjdal analysis of the archetypal images and archetypal symbols in modernism and postmodernism made it possible to idetify the peculiar features of their formation in various literary shools as well as to reveal the dominant tendencies of the formation of novel and hidden senses in poetic texts .It had been proved that remythologization is characteristic of modernistic poetic texts while re-interpretatiojn of the content of archetypes is seen in the poetic verbal images of posatmodernism. Each Literary School boasts of its own special means of formation of verval images. Revival of archetypes is found in Symbolic Poetry, re-conceptualization of archetypal meaning shows up in postsymbolic vebal images. Archetypal colour meanings undergo various interpretations in creative activity of different authors. In modernism the tendency to convergence of stylistic devices leads to the emergence of novel verbal poetic images – image-parable. The development of esseistic and paradoxical thinking as well as the tendency to divergence of stylistic devices ensured the formation of a new kind of metaphor – metabole. The verbal poetic image-metabole is not devided into direct and indirect meaning.


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