• Mariia Pavlivna Ishchenko
Keywords: conceptual sphere, nucleus, concept, representative, periphery


The peculiarities of verbal representation of the emotions have been revealed by modeling the semantic associative fields of the key emotional concepts and by distinguishing the specific features of the fields’ structural components (nuclear zone, near and far peripheries).

The Purpose of the article is to identify the main means of nominating concept “PRIDE” in novel “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen. For achieving the aim in the article was given a definition to the “concept”, were determined the main represent­atives of concept “PRIDE”, were analyzed definitions of the word pride, were defined the nucleus, the pre-nuclear zone, the near periphery and the far periphery, and were given examples from the novel “Pride and prejudice” by Jane Austin.

Methods. In the article the main definitions of the concept “concept” are given, the concept sphere is analyzed, which is given by L. Babenko, the main components of which are the nucleus, the pre-nuclear zone, the near periphery and the far periphery.

Results. Concept “Pride” in novel “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen reflects human dignity, place in the society, origin and human’s well-being. The pride in the novel depends on opinion of society, quality of life.

The main representatives of concept “Pride” were singled out, the definitions of the word Pride were analyzed in famous English dictionaries, the main word forms of concept “Pride” were given, e.g., “vanity”, “vain”, “conceited”, “conceit”, “haughtily”, “proud”, “proudly”, “contempt”, “sensibilities”, “superior”, “superiority”, “bourgeois”, “contempt”, “self-contempt”; the nucleus, the pre-nuclear zone, the near periphery and the far periphery of the concept “Pride” are defined, and exam­ples form the novel “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austin are given.

Conclusions. In novel “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austin, the nucleus of concept “Pride” is represented by synonyms. The near periphery is nominated by metaphors and metonymy. The far periphery is represented by contexts and situations.


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