The article deals with the temporal net of the English-language song texts of Eurodisco. The object of the study is the English-language song texts of Eurodisco, the subject is their temporal net. Temporality is defined as a functionally-semantic category of text, which reflects the essence of the physical and philosophical aspects of time, realized by variational linguistic means of time; in which groups of external and internal representatives are distinguished. The external group is divided into absolute and relative representatives. In the English-language song texts of Eurodisco, the absolute representatives are shown by the grammatical time (the tenses of the verbs), which correlates the event with the moment of speech: Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Continuous, as an exception, there are instances of Perfect tenses consuming, the tense that is not preferable is Perfect-Continuous. Thus, the English-language song texts of Eurodisco reflect the realities of the time, culture and norms of the period of their existence, the events of everyday life. Also, it characterizes the tense forms that are typical for the spoken language, and the prevalence of Simple times is explained by the fact that the English-language song texts of Eurodisco reflect the peculiarities of the language of everyday life, while maintaining the traditional language. In addition to the grammatical time, lexical presenters are used. Among the relative lexical representatives of Eurodisco, temporal consequence is more characteristic; there is a simultaneous implementation of actions in conjunction bound and participle; pre-statement is unusual. The internal lexical representatives gather verbal markers, which provide not only temporal characteristics, but also the aspectual, since temporality and aspectuality are inseparable among them. They represent the repetition, which is often represented by the periodicity of the uniqueness of action; by long term than instant; by sequence; by the completeness of an action that can be finite and non-finite. The facultative background lexis, which generally has its branching: cyclic, age, epoch-time in the English-language song texts of Eurodisco, is presented exclusively by the cyclic time.
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