The article represents the discussion of theoretical and methodological aspects and the results of the survey, which was conducted to determine syllabus peculiarities of translational text analysis as a course of limited choice for the third year students of foreign philology department. Despite that, the research being undertaken in this branch of translational methodology is relatively new but rather extensive, there is a lack of consistent approaches to the various models of translational analysis of texts pertaining to different contexts of culture and situation. The methodology presupposed translation brief involving situational factors followed by gradual critical reading model of translational text analysis according to field, tenor, and mode strands of macro- and microtextual meanings. The aim of translational analysis and the procedure depended on text typology according to the register, field of expertise, and verbal or nominal character, factors of coherence and cohesion. With some modifications not undermining the approach, this model was suggested as a universal one and proved to be effective. In fact, the students were provided with the plan and text samples, which were assigned and analyzed together with the lecturer. During the verification stage, the students were invited to fill out the anonymous questionnaire containing a set of evaluative questions and statements. The obtained results demonstrate that the students distinguished the main comprehension difficulties as those connected with terminology and the scholars’ contributions, whereas the course was mostly regarded as useful and topical regardless of the fact that the majority of students do not have substantial experience and their idea of professional activities as translators is still vague. The respondents also denoted the aspects of lecture rhetorics to be improved and suggested the text types they would like to add as the most challenging. Interestingly, the students especially liked analyzing parallel newspaper texts
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