The complex methodology development has come out of the necessity to investigate the peculiarities of children’s fantasy translation as to its genre stylistic features and author’s style. The suggested complex methodology comprises two stages: pre-translational stage and translational one. This research paper highlights the aspects of the pre-translational stage, namely the methods and main research principles that ensure the implementation of the suggested complex methodology.
The purpose of the research paper is to explicate the peculiarities of pre- translational stage accomplishment while studying the genre stylistic specificity of children’s fantasy rendering. To gain this purpose one needs to fulfill certain tasks among which is to determine the algorithm of accomplishing the pre-translational stage as a part of the complex methodology; to find out the methods and main principles of rendering the modern children’s fantasy from English into Ukrainian; to define the specifications of general scientific methods’ use as well as linguistic ones’.
The methodology for the investigation of the genre stylistic specificity of fantasy rendering has a complex character; therefore it comprises the usage of the general scientific methods as well as the linguistic and translational ones. As for the general scientific methods used at the pre-translational stage, there are the methods of induction and deduction. As for the linguistic and translational methods, there are the contrastive method, the comparative method, the method of definition, the method of opposition, the method of distribution and the contextual method.
The result of this research becomes the working-out of the principles of the pre-translational stage within the complex research methodology. It serves to achieve a variety of objectives among which one should mention the identification of the invariant genre features of fantasy in English-language linguistic and cultural tradition, on the one hand, and in east Slavic tradition, on the other. Besides, the variations in fantasy features from the ones of the adjoining genres are also revealed at the pre-translational stage of the research. The indicated distinctions in conception of fantasy as well as the adjoining genres and their genre stylistic characteristics in different linguistic and cultural traditions acquire primary significance from translational perspective.
The research allowed to draw the conclusion that the pre-translational stage within the complex methodology reveals the invariant genre stylistic features both of fantasy and science fiction and, consequently, the specificity of their adequate rendering at each of the target text levels.
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