In the modern world there is a large number of spheres of social life in which the possession of skills of effective communication and the conscious use of methods of communicative influence is a guarantee of professional success. One of them is politics. The article is devoted to the actual problem regarding the growing role of political communication as a kind of socio-informational field, which acts as a super-powerful tool for forming public opinion. The aspiration for avoidance communicative conflicts and failures, not creation a feeling of communicative discomfort, adhering to the rules of politeness makes the speaker use euphemistic means of expression. In today’s conditions, a variety of ways and means of euphemisation, which relate to socially significant topics, the sphere of human activity, his/her relations with other people, society and, of course, the authorities, are becoming increasingly evolving. One of the types of euphemisms is a political euphemism. It is an effective tool for influencing the public. For this research we have analyzed 10 David Cameronʼs speeches in the period from 2010 to 2016, where we have determined 100 euphemisms. The aim of the article is to determine the peculiarities of the reproduction of David Cameron's political euphemisms in Ukrainian. Scientific novelty consists in a comprehensive study of political euphemisms identified in David Cameronʼs political speeches, taking into account the lingua-pragmatic aspect. Its practical value is using research materials in special studies on euphemisms as a linguistic phenomenon in the aspect of translation and during the development of translation recommendations. The results of the research can be used in the courses “Translation in the aspect of scientific research”, “Practice of translation”. These materials and provisions can be used in the teaching lexicology, linguistic analysis of belles-lettres texts, comparative stylistics of English and Ukrainian. The prospects of further research is the identifying the gender features of the reproduction of political euphemisms in Ukrainian and in the clarification of the nuances of the reproduction of communicative strategies for resolving the conflict in political discourse in Ukrainian and the determination of the choice of communicative strategies in conflict situations.
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