The article identifies and explores key techniques for creating a situational satirical effect in the J. Heller novel “Catch-22”, which promotes awareness of the mechanisms for creating a situational satirical effect and identifying progressive trends in subsequent research in translation studies and prospects for improving the translation of satirical works in the modern development of translation studies. Each author uses certain functional-stylistic means to create a satirical effect, and because of this his style and language acquire uniqueness and uniqueness. The uniqueness of the writer appears in the use of language categories, which form a coherent whole with content in their interaction and which are the bearers of national originality and historical identity. In the process of scientific research, it has been proved that the creation of a situational satirical effect is achieved by depicting a set of objects and connections between objects which are depicted in certain episodes. Most satirical situations were created due to the behavior of the main character of the novel. It is established that there is a need to distinguish between the fact of an indication of a satirical situation and the way of its image, that is, part of the content of the statement, indicating the signs of the situation through which it is reflected in the statement. It was cleared up that each statement reflects the situation by pointing to its individual signs while the same situation can be depicted due to different combinations of its inherent features. It was theoretically grounded that the situation was humorous, but the smile of J. Heller stops at their serious side, pointing to the reader that the hero of such a situation may not be ridiculous. Writer J. Heller was condescending, but often the image of a comic passes into sarcasm. More complete reproduction of the content of the original when translated into Ukrainian language retains not only the goal of communication, but also the transmission of all the content elements of the original. Each statement reflects a particular situation by indicating its separate attributes.
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