The article is devoted to the review of evolution of interethnic polylogue’s concept in the process of studying Ukrainian language as foreign via triad Alien – Inakshy – Native. This paper focuses on the interpretation of this term in the teaching and learning process till includes largely unexplored problems of modern science. On despite a lengthy period of using the term interethnic polylogue in the all branches of science. The term polylogue is very popular. But till now has no explicit treatment. In the process of teaching of foreign language they use this terminology by which to describe the kind of auditoria students work.
With regard to the problem mentioned the conducted researches allow asserting that exactly the concept of a polylogue has in communicative process. During these process participants exchange information, and then pass it through the prism of their own experience of intellectual and cultural level. We propose to interpret the concept interethnic polylogue as a process of obtaining, perceiving and further representing the information of the communicant of foreign information from the standpoint of their own ethno-culture.
In this connection particular importance should be attached to methodology of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language. Now it is too quite young scientific directions, but has its achievements. The relevance of this theme has been linked to the intensification of the educational migration process. The increase in the number of students and students from the countries of the Middle East, Asia, Africa, India, etc. has a positive impact on the development of new approaches to the development of the Ukrainian language as a foreign language.
It must be stressed in order to build a proper intercultural communication in the new country. The applicant has to improve a foreign language. The knowledge’s in Ukrainian language provide the opportunity to receive the necessary information on the domestic, educational, professional and cultural topics. It is of importance to note being in the same collective a mix of ethnicities complicates the process of interethnic communication, the construction of interethnic polylogue. But the emphasis has been placed on that this could open up an entirely new area to get acquainted with more new cultures. This is greatly enhances the satisfaction of cognitive needs of students.
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