The article deals with the images of women’s in the novel by the German writer Dieter Noll “The Adventures of Werner Holt”. The role of women’s is described in the life and in the spiritual evolution of the main personage of the novel Werner Holt. He is presented in the novel firstly as a secondary-schoolboy, later as a soldier in the Wehrmacht during the World War II. Dieter Noll reflects in the novel his life experience. The reading of books forms from chil dhood the romantic attitude of Werner Holt towards the life.
The 40th years of the XX century (the action of the novel takes place at this time) belong to the time, in which the woman very seldom communicates with the man in official circumstances, for example, in educational institutions, during the work or public service. The most functions in these spheres were performed by men at this time. The communication with women’s in the novel take place first of all at home, at the time of rest, in private life. This communication is often connected with love-affairs. Thus the influence of the woman on the man is at this time usually unofficial, informal and more emotional. The reader see’s in the novel the hard life of German women during the World War II. The woman at this time is often under the threat of death; she sees the death of her near relations, goes through physical and emotional hardships, suffers other privations.
Dramatical events which take place at this time in Germany influence on the spiritual evolution of the personages of the novel. But the women also play role in the development of the notion on life for them. Relevant in the article is the study of the formation of the personality of Werner Holt, taking into accounts both historical circumstances and the relationship of a man and a woman from universal positions.
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