The aim of this article is to analyze the structural and semantic features of the unofficial oikonyms of modern German, used in intercultural communication. The methods of their translation are investigated too.
Methods of analysis are: a continuous sampling method and a textual analysis for the selection of units, a descriptive method for inventorying and systematizing units of analysis, comparative-historical methods for identifying common and distinctive features of oikonyms, techniques of structural and semantic analysis for establishing a structural type and semantic meaning of units. The elements of quantitative calculations are used too.
Results. Unofficial names of German cities, towns and villages are a very important part of the toponymy of Germany. They are used in everyday life, on the pages of newspapers, magazines, tourist booklets, guidebooks, signs at the entrance to the city, etc. Unofficial oikonyms are divided into: 1) compounds with direct meaning, 2) compounds with metaphorical meaning; 3) periphrasis with different structures. Blendings and oikonyms with color names are of a particular interest. Unofficial oikonyms are ethnospecific and culture elements of the toponymy. Unofficial oikonyms are characterized by reflection not only of geographical reality, but of its national, cultural and historical connotations, what prepares difficulties both for the holder of information and for the interpreter. The main translation methods of oikonyms are: 1) loan translation (combined with transcription / transliteration and repositioning of components) and 2) descriptive periphrasis.
Conclusions. The study of German unofficial oikonyms has shown that these units are an integral part of the toponymic space of German. They have a different structure, they are formed by word-formation (composition, blending) and secondary nomination (periphrasis). They are used in everyday life, in tourist guides in order to attract attention to a particular event, ethnographic or historical monument, etc. The correct transmission of oikonyms promotes understanding of all connotative information, and it is very important for successful intercultural communication.
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