• Alona Viktorivna Merkotan
Keywords: personal name, terms of kinship, substitute, forms of treatment, pronouns you / you


Investigation of functions and semantics of address forms is an actual problem of modern linguistics, therefore the pur­pose of the work is to analyze forms of address forms and to identify their functions and semantic peculiarities, to describe communicative situations and factors that determine the choice of address forms. In the process of research, the following methods were used: the critical analysis of scientific sources, the method of linguistic observation (inventory and system­atization of linguistic units), a descriptive method of description, explanation and analysis, inductive method (recording of experimental data and its analysis), method of screening (study of the parts of the data set).

Conclusions: in our study we systematized the address forms and created their classification, analyzed the Turkish names and identified the main groups of names, depending on their origin, revealed the basic functions and semantic features of the address forms.

According to the results of the study, there were distinguished such semantic groups of address forms: proper names; diminutive forms of personal names; substitutes of personal names (kind words); gender address; terms of kinship; neutral addresses like lady, sir, etc.

After analyzing Turkish names it was found that it is possible to distinguish among them several groups: simple Arabic names; complex Arabic male personal names; traditional Turkish names; names with nouns, adjectives, pronouns, numerals, verbs, and toponyms as anthropological origin; Names whose roots were derived from the names of fruits, plants; names derived from animal names; names derived from the names of natural phenomena’s, seasons and months.

The analysis shows that the most important thing for initiating communication is the function of identification of the addressee in the communicative space, and this demand corresponds to all forms of address. The forms of address are also used for expression love, affection, they perform an emotional or evaluative and characterizing function; the function of contact-building is realized through the use of terms of kinship (in particular addressing to non-native people), such addresses usually create an atmosphere of trust and privacy. Address is a form of speech etiquette and perform etiquette function. Applications addressed to readers or listeners contribute to establishing contact between the communicant and the audience of listeners / readers.


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