• Liubov Ivanivna Pavlovska
Keywords: professional activity, Germany, honorary titles, Meister, German language, text


In this article the author examines and justifies proposals for the use of professional education experience in Euro­pean countries in vocational education, in particular, experience based on the traditions of these countries. Nowadays, it is of great interest to study the problems associated with improving the quality, safety, comfort of goods and services. The above problem is being investigated in various fields of science. There are many interdisciplinary studies. Methods of moral and material stimulation of professional activity have various forms. It is interesting to study these forms of finan­cial and moral incentives. Some studies consider such forms from an economic point of view. Other researchers analyze them as a cultural phenomenon. There are also interdisciplinary studies. Each country has its own unique peculiarities in many spheres of life and activity. One of these features of Germany is the master’s professional qualification (Meister). This professional qualification, with its attributes, regulations, traditions and customs can be considered as a significant economic, educational and cultural phenomenon in the life of Germany. The texts of the mass media contain articles on state support, in particular financial, about the training of masters and about the features of the qualifying examinations for the title of master. The feature of modern texts on the activities of masters in Germany is also the theme of women in traditionally male forms of professional, in particular, craft activities. The traditions of German-speaking European countries were studied on the example of examining the training in Germany and Austria for the professional qualification “Meister”. The education of Meister includes theoretical and practical training in the craft and also business and legal training, and includes the pedagogical qualification. To prepare specialists, the author suggests using texts that consider this important phenomenon of German culture taking into account economic, educational, linguistic and cultural-historical aspects. In particular, the proposed use of texts in which we are talking about specialists with professional qualifications of the maste


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