The article is devoted to the priority of the competence approach as a social and communication aspect of the formation of professional intercultural communication among future specialists of maritime higher educational institutions in the world problem of formation of communicative skills of a foreign language in modern ship engineers and electrical engineers in the field of maritime education. Intercultural competence contributes to the achievement of mutual understanding in the process of intercultural communication. Intercultural competence is the ability to communicate in a foreign language, taking into consideration the difference in cultures and stereotypes of thinking.
Studying the problems of intercultural communication involves getting acquainted with the following phenomena and concepts: communication principles, the main functions of culture, the influence of culture on perception and communication in its various spheres and types, parameters for describing the impact of culture on human activity and the development of society in the context of studying vocational vocabulary. This article examines the problems of forming the intercultural competence of students in foreign language classes. It raises a number of issues related to the formation of intercultural competence in the process of learning foreign language communication, taking into account the cultural and mental differences of the native speakers, which is a prerequisite for a successful dialogue of cultures. The study of a foreign language, which is a compulsory component of the training of future specialists in the marine technical field (mechanics, electricians), also takes place on the basis of a competent approach with a certain orientation towards intercultural communication (and it is possible to add multicultural) communication. The author defines intercultural communication, formed at the cadets of the Maritime Institute, in the process of studying English. The need to speak the maritime English at the level of a competent user for the marine specialists (ship engineers and ship electricians) is an undeniable fact. The level of proficiency in English depends on the success of the operation of the ship’s engineer (ship’s electrician), his career growth, and the safety of navigation. The learning process should be aimed at enhancing creativity and satisfaction of individual inquiries.
The proper level of maritime English is a separate line in the convention documents regulating the training of specialists in maritime professions.
The main objective of vocational education at a maritime higher educational institution is to train a marine specialist with a sufficient level of education in order to be competitive in the labor market, competent, responsible, with the free possession of his profession and ready for constant professional growth.
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