• Natalya Vasylivna Romanova
Keywords: emotion, word-form, semantics, semantic subtype, linguistic context, stylistic context


The article is devoted to the research of emotive vocabulary in the modern German religious discourse. The purpose of the studio is to outline the paradigm of lexical units, which denote the emotions of a person and their semantics in empir­ical material is determined. In the course of the study, both general scientific (analysis, synthesis, comparison) methods and special linguistic methods were used, including contextual analysis to find out the semantic potential of the emotive vocabulary, distributive-valency analysis for establishing the position and interaction of the emotive vocabulary with other words of lexical-semantic systems of modern German language, analysis of vocabulary definitions to confirm the content of the phenomenon, the method of correlation of language and extra-language factors for the reconstruction of the emotional picture of the ethnos. The results of the study include clarifying the concept of “religious discourse”, tracking the structure and coverage of the main topics of the Gospels, identifying more than 25 semantic subtypes of emotive vocabulary, and their linguistic mechanisms; representation of the pragmatic potential of the elements, which correlates with the linguistic context and stylistic. Linguistic context specifies the meaning of a certain emotion, stylistic – expanded, complemented and implemented new occasional connotations, respectively. Within the context of the context, variants of semantic influence on the actualization of the meanings of the emotive vocabulary are possible: the context affects the value of the element, changing it to a new element influences the context, introducing the emotive component into its structure, the context and the element affect each other equally. It is proved that emotive vocabulary is the bearer of emotions of supernatural beings (God, Son of God, Angels) and natural (disciples of Jesus, apostles, powers, ordinary people) creatures, func­tions according to the formulas “alien – their”, “sacred – profane”, “holy – no holy”, “God – human”, “spiritual – godless”, “rational – emotional”. We conclude that religious discourse is closely linked to the moral and spiritual aspect that accumu­lates the author’s idea, author’s emotions and determines the volume and content of the author’s experience, formed on the new idea, new values – love for the neighbor. Emotive vocabulary takes an active part in the creation of emotionally valued poetic text and verbal poetic image of emotions, contributes to the degree of perception of the latter, makes it pos­sible to systematize the knowledge of the ethnos about the emotions of the theistic category.


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