• Yuliia Oleksandrivna Serdyuchenko
Keywords: interaction, interactive teaching, interactivity, interactive technologies, subject-subject principle, dialogical speech


The article deals with the use of interactive technologies for teaching foreign language dialogical speech of senior sec­ondary school pupils. The object of study is the dialogical speech in the teaching of senior pupils, and the subject is the use of interactive technologies in teaching foreign language dialogical speech of senior pupils. The aim of this article is to consider and justify the effectiveness of the use of interactive technologies in teaching senior secondary school pupils for foreign language dialogical speech. Interactive teaching is a kind of activity that involves the interaction of a pupil with the educational environment, serves as a source of experience acquired by them, in other words, it is the cooperation of subjects of pedagogical interaction. Teacher sets the educational target of the lesson and organizes, directs the interests of a pupil, the level of their knowledge and skills, i.e. realizes the subject subject principle of teaching.The use of interactive learning technologies is a good basis for the formation of foreign language communication skills, in particular dialogical skills and abil­ities of pupils, since such teaching forms three main groups of skills: communicative (ability to express their opinions clearly, to justify, to give arguments, to analyze other thoughts); perception (the ability to listen and correctly perceive information, to understand the mood and emotional state of the interlocutor, to refelect and think about information); interactive (to express thoughts, discuss information, conduct interviews with questions and requirements formulation, etc.). In order to facilitate learning through the use of interactive technologies, scientists and teachers offer the following techniques: informational inter­active techniques (dialogical interaction of students, in which there is an exchange of material or spiritual values); cognitive interactive techniques (interaction of students in order to obtain new knowledge, information, for example, role-playing game “Brain storming”); motivational interactive techniques (dialogical interaction of pupils, where they determine the ways of group activities and themselves); regulatory interactive techniques (pupils set certain rules for their dialogical interaction).


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