• Tamara Voitsekhivna Goli-Oglu
  • Maria Oleksandrivna Abushek
Keywords: folklore metaphor, phraseologized metaphor, metaphorical transformations, preservation of metaphor, demetaphorization, remetaphorization, transmetaphorization


The article is devoted to the analysis of the typology of poetic metaphor in the poem “Vila-posestra” by Lesya Ukrainka. The author investigates the motivation of using various ways of metaphor transformations withing the translation of the poem into Russian made by M. Komissarova. A review of the latest Ukrainian and foreign studies devoted to the legacy of Lesya Ukrainka’s works’ translation, her views on the essence of translation as well as the mechanism of poetic texts transformations and the functional status of poetic translation are presented in the article.

The genre specificity of the poetic text determines the wide use of different language means of expressiveness (tropes), among which metaphor is the most frequent and effective one, as it is the poetic text that provides an aesthetic and emotional influence on the readers, the formation of their aesthetic tastes and preferences as well as the individual emotional background. That’s why extended metaphor is made wide use in poetry.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the metaphorical component of Lesya Ukrainka's tropoistiki in the translation aspect, in particular to research the level of metaphor transformations in the translation of the poem “Vila-posestra” by Lesya Ukrainka.

The presented research is devoted to the analysis of different types of metaphorical transformations in the process of translation, in particular the preservation of metaphorization, demetaphorization, remetaphorization, transmetaphorization, which are considered to be an integral part of poetic translation are analyzed in the article. The author analyzes in detail the metaphorical transformations used in Russian translation of L. Ukrainka’s “Vila-posestra”. It has been found out that the method of preserving the phraseological metaphor of a folklore origin with its inherent tautological repetitions and the euphemization of the taboo semantic components prevails in the translation of the poem. When translating the original L. Ukrainka’s metaphor, M. Komissarova uses all possible techniques of metaphor transference, namely preservation, demetaphorization, remetaphorization, transmetaphorization, which determines the adequacy of the poetic translation, as well as the functional identity of the original text and the translation text.

Particular attention in the article is paid to the gradation, the use of an ascending series of metaphors accompanied by folklore repetitions and tautology to increase their emotional and semantic significance. That is a special stylistic device characterizing folklore texts

There has been described the specific character of the use of demetaphorization, remetaphorization and transmetaphorization translation techniques, which are employed when associative links are not based on universal concepts of the reality, but on culturally marked models of world perception, which are fixed within a certain national worldview. In that case a translator has to compare two associative models that have different national and cultural markers and find out the area of their intersection; it will constitute contextual lexical equivalents. Depending on the transformation applied in the translation of a metaphor the above mentioned method of searching for a contextual cultural analogue provides the appearance of numerous formal and semantic deformations.


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