• Nazar Romanovych Danchyshyn
Keywords: slang, Ukrainian as a foreign language, Anglicisms, Intercultural communication, foreign language borrowing


In the article the influence of slang at the present stage of development of the Ukrainian language was analyzed, the genesis of this slang, the reasons for its occurrence and the factors contributing to its spread were outlined. In the context of studying the Ukrainian language as a foreign language, it is suggested to include slang topics in the Ukrainian language, in particular in the environment of students. After all, the study of contemporary youth slang by a foreign audience will be the key to free communication in another society, that is, it will deepen the understanding of the language a foreigner encounters on the street, in the press and in contemporary fiction daily in the country where he or she lives. The fact that some foreigners in Ukraine study in higher education and do not intend to stay in Ukraine or acquire Ukrainian citizenship is taken into account, which leads to a not too much adaptation to the environment of Ukrainian students. The concept of “language prestige” is also considered, which correlates with the sphere of interests of linguistic pragmatics, because it shows how practical it is for the student to learn the language and what benefit it will bring. The motivation for studying it is, in addition to receiving a positive mark in the university exam, also using Ukrainian in everyday life, using it in typical scenarios of language interaction – in shops, establishments, health care, etc.

The importance and necessity of studying slang in the course of Ukrainian as a foreign language is substantiated. It outlines what slang is and what its role is in contemporary communication of the Ukrainian-language society; The practical implementation of slang learning in the course of Ukrainian as a foreign language is shown on the example of new training exercises for students of level B2 and above.

For example, it is suggested to find the words used in the exercise in the slang’s meanings, and to compose with them the sentences in which the word will have the meaning common in the literary language. In the context of the rapid influx of words and expressions from the English language into the Ukrainian slang, it is suggested in one of the exercises to find unnecessary “internationalisms” in the language of modern advertising and, accordingly, to replace them with the words of literary Ukrainian. Also, an exercise is proposed, the task of which is to define in the given text words that can be replaced by Ukrainian specific correspondences.


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