• Iryna Bogdanivna Kauza
Keywords: thought in thought, the communicative nature of thought in thought, discourse zone of the character, discourse zone of the narrator, thinking and speech processes


The article deals with the communicative nature of thought in thought (as a form of endophase speech) and the coher­ence of the prose text of Margaret Drabble's novels. In the postmodern novels of the writer character’s thought in thought the as an expression of moments of his mental state are depicted indirectly - by means of endophase speech. Therefore, the image of internal speech in novels of the writer is based on the conditional state. The level of conventionality and the way of displaying the characters' internal speech is one of the links that is provoked by the literary traditions, individual, aesthetic and philosophical positions of M. Drabble. The thought in thought in the novels of the writer tends to reflect the narrative; it is not a commonly used, structural formation in the text, but rather manifests itself as an embedding in the narrative process. The thought in thought is a typological link of the internal speech of artistic text interlocutors, endowed with anthropomorphic features - narrator and character. It is a form of deep psychological contamination of the charac­ter's discourse zone by the narrative context of the narrator's discourse zone, as well as the author's evaluation, however indirect but indirect. When used in the novels of M. Drabble thought in thought makes everything which is not of primary importance to the character and does not go beyond his physical ego disappear, and the communicative direction of the text becomes pivotal.

Postmodern prose text is undoubtedly a heterogeneous formation consisting of several non-homogeneous parts, which are characterized by text categories that are primarily characteristic of homogeneous verbal texts. Postmodern texts are creolized. Units of all levels of language: morphemes, words and phraseologisms, syntactic constructions, and syntactic techniques may be the means of implementing the pragmatic instruction of such a text. However, postmodern texts are most expressive through the combination of verbal, thinking, and visual elements that complement each other.

Postmodern English-language text is the result of the combination and effective functioning of elements of different semiotic systems; it is a special linguistic phenomenon, a text in which the verbal and non-verbal components form one visual, structural, semantic and functional whole, providing its complex pragmatic effect on the addressee.


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