• Yelizaveta Andriivna Lysenko
Keywords: canadian fairy tale, folk tale, Bible, image, motif, plot, narrative mapping


Purpose. The article focuses on the analysis of lingual and cognitive procedures of bible motifs embodiment in cana­dian folk tales. Methods. The method of narratological analysis enabled to reveal verbal means of images creation in lit­erary texts. A case study of the research is canadian folk tales: “The Duck With Red Feet”, “Star-Boy And The Sun Dance”, “The Fountain of Youth”, “Glooskap’s country”. Results. The study of theoretical material and narratological analysis of the text material, namely canadian aboriginal folk tales, enables to arrive at following conclusions. Conclusions. It is emphasized that canadian folk tales have come out from a prolonged development of the country and its culture. Canadian folklore is regarded as a reflection of national experience. Despite the fact that this cultural tradition has assimilated the elements of immigrant cultures, it has preserved its aboriginal individuality. In the connection with this peculiarity some sci­entific approaches that explain the nature of combining different cultural elements in a literary work, a folk tale in particular, are considered. The investigation reveals the process of merging of a proper canadian aboriginal literary tradition with the elements of the biblical doctrine. Moreover, this process is ensured due to the fusion of motifs and plots of a Christian cultural tradition with an Indian model of consciousness which is realized through a narrative mapping that intertwines all the components into a united whole. Much attention is given to the analysis of motifs as elements of plots, plots as com­plexes of motifs, images, characters, characters’ acts, symbols which are present in folklore texts. The investigation elicits some typical mechanisms of mapping. Lingual and cognitive aspects of the investigation enable to prove that the process of archetype images creating is realized due to the mechanisms of a narrative mapping which occurs on the basis of bible events rethinking and their embodiment through direct nominations in the form of proper names, separate words, word combinations, sentences (complex and compound), a number of sentences and text fragments.


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