The article is devoted to the study of the stereotypical linguаcultural concept of ORDNUNG, which led the conceptual sphere of the cultural field of the German ethnolinguistic community, and thus became for her the «measure of all things», its main leitmotif. We investigated how the dominant ORDNUNG concept shaped the mental identity of the Germans, where its origins were, whether its influence was always constructive, whether it was inherent to the vast majority of Germans, and, in general, how the mechanism of influence of dominant stereotypical linguistic and cultural concepts works peoples. The conceptual linguistic and cultural dominance of ORDNUNG, in its own way, continues to stereotype the content of the mental identity of the Germans and thus influences their choice and behavior, especially when it comes to building a hierarchy of values, which, thanks to ORDNUNG, is of utmost importance for ordering. Therefore, becoming a major life imperative for both the individual and the entire ethno-linguistic community, the ORDNUNG concept can both assist and interfere with the arrangement of both private and national existence. Thanks to discipline, rational thinking, the ability to organize and organize, the German linguistic community has achieved great success in the world, having taken a leading position not only in the economy, but also in the fields of philosophy, music, literature and more. At the same time, the passion for structuring the little things, the meticulous attitude to keep order and the desire to tidy up the whole surrounding space, sometimes prevents you to grasp the essence of the case and to understand the main thing. Therefore, there are exceptions to all the rules to illustrate which in this article we have decided on the example not ordinary burgers, and the carrier of the precedent name in the world of German music by L.V. Beethoven. However, the vast majority of Germans are still adherents of this stereotypical behavioral setting and therefore conform to the content of the typisch deutsch stereotype. That is why the name of the nation Deutschland and the name of the language Deutsch are so consonant with the word deutlich.
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