• Tetyana Petrovna Becenko
Keywords: duma language, folklore text, substantive text-shaped universals, stylistic functions


The article attempts to characterize the nature of substantive text-shaped universals. Subtotal text-shaped universals are structurally represented by complex nouns. On the example of the national heroic epic (duma), the types of the mentioned structures are considered, their signs are established, stylistic functions are clarified. Depending on the semantics and function of the components, the substantive text image universals are divided into the following subgroups: 1. Universals that consist of synonyms, denoting the same notion. 2. Universals, the components of which are related with one another as generic and species (these words are “meaningful + definitions (example)”). 3. Universals, the components of which are called different but close phenomena (this so-called paired approximation of the total character). 4. Text-shaped substantive universals, one of whose components in relation to the second performs an attributive function. 5. Text-shaped substantive universals, one of which components is called part of the whole.

It is established that the Dumas, continuing the tradition of folkloric usage, testify to the use of complex nouns – textshaped universals, the specifics of which are equality, independence of components, for the creation of a single structuralsemantic whole, which gives the name of the third concept.

It is established that the peculiarity of the linguistic organization of the Dumas as folklore works is the functioning of complex toponyms (oikonim, hydronyms) in them, where their names serve as peculiar examples in words with spatial semantics city, city, estuary, river, sea, valley, grave, etc. Similar complex names – text-shaped universals – are indicative of the fact that they are constructed by the inverse (reverse) order of the location of the components: the proper name given to the first place falls into the spotlight: in this way the socio-historical significance of this or that geographical region is emphasized. There is an emphasis on the significance of events associated with a place designated by one or another place name.

The dumas testify to the use of substantive text-image universals, in which one of the components is the adjective. The peculiarity of these complex entities is that they serve as reduplicated units. Repetition of the root part as the main, rod in the word, which transmits lexical meaning and is the bearer of the semantics of related words, causes an aggravation of attention on a certain detail – the signs, causing the condensation of feelings – are mostly negative.

Expressions in the language organization of the Dumas are complex nouns of folk origin, formed on the basis of convergence of synonymous words. In such unities, one synonym, due to the additional emotional and content tone available in its semantic structure, amplifies, specifies the meaning of another. Subtotal text-shaped universals – aesthetically filled units.


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