The article analyses presentation of the respondent by the journalist in English-speaking popular magazines interviews. It is revealed that popular magazines interviews are characterized by a specific addresser-addressee interaction. The abovementioned interaction is realized within a communicative event (between the respondent and the journalist) and a text (between communicants in the interview and a mass reader).
With a help of well-planned questions the journalist of the interview gets information from the interviewee alongside with revealing the personality of the latter. It is achieved by implementing the strategy of presentation of the respondent through which the journalist expresses his attitude to the interviewee. The journalist, being the author of the printed version of the interview, gets more freedom in creating the text that simultaneously influences his presentation of the respondent. Despite the need to adhere to the norms of polite communication, the journalist at times shows his attitude (positive or negative) to the communicative partner. It facilitates the formation of the dynamic image of the respondent thus influencing the perception of the interviewee’s personality by mass audience (a reader).
The study focuses on revealing the personality of the interviewee from a positive aspect, viewed as a part of the strategy of the respondent’s presentation by the journalist in English-speaking popular magazines interviews. The article deals with the tactics of objectivisation of the abovementioned strategy that are represented by the tactics of compliment, approval, glorification, appraisal, communicative support, positive evaluation of the respondent and the tactic of “creating your own network”. Due attention is given to the analysis of language means of verbalization of these tactics and revealing their potential in creating the image of the respondent. It is proved that positive presentation of the respondent by the journalist is achieved through a set of means aimed at creating the image of exceptional, wise and unconquered personality hardened by failures and respected by a mass audience.
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