The article deals with the peculiarities of lexicographic parameterization in modern linguistics. The research outlines approaches to the definition of the term “parameter”, emphasizes the importance of its study, examines its typology, and specifies distinctive features of compulsory and optional, theoretical and empirical, linguistic and extralinguistic parameters. Distinctive features of multilingual electronic dictionary are analyzed at its macro and micro levels. A comparative analysis of the volume of multilingual lexicographic editions is carried out, chronological, terminological, etymological and frequency characteristics of linguistic material presentation are considered; spelling, orthoepic, acceptal, syllabic and word-forming features of lexical material are examined. Emphasis is placed on the importance of specifying a part-lingual parameter, number category, the expediency of accentuating the peculiarities of lexical unit plural forms expression in particular. Multilingual electronic dictionaries may include grammatical applications, a set of lexical exercises, a number of popular scientific articles and commentaries of historical background, as well as various visualizations in the form of images, drawings, photographs and diagrams, which contribute to a better understanding and memorization of linguistic material. These peculiarities of linguistic material presentation are viewed as distinctive features of lexicographic editions, that encourage the reader to further lexical unit characteristics study. Topical colour supplements constitute a prominent feature of most electronic multilingual dictionaries. Such visualization enhances the content of lexicographic publications and directly attracts the attention of a wider range of users.
In conclusion, the importance of using lexicographic parameterization in creating a prototype of a multilingual electronic lexicographic publication is proved. The prospects for further scientific research have been established.
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