The study of legal terminology in English-language artistic discourse is of particular interest at the present stage of the development of linguistic science, when the problem of correlation and interaction of semantics and pragmatics has become central. The problem of the use of legal terminology in artistic discourse is of interest in different languages. The relevance of the topic is due to the relevance of the scientific search, the pragmatics of today's problems and the tendency to study lexical units in English, in cluding legal terms.
The purpose is to trace the genesis, derivative processes and semantics of legal terms in English-language artistic discourse, as well as their specific pragmatic functionality. The realization of this goal involves the following tasks:
– define the concept of legal term;
– to identify the semantic structures of legal terms in English -language artistic discourse;
– to distinguish structural models of legal terms in English-la nguage artistic discourse;
– to distinguish features of linguistic structure and to analyz e the process of semantization of legal terms;
– to explore the structural and semantic features of the legal term in English-language artistic discourse.
The following article methods are applied in the work: empirical, generalization and systematization, functional analysis of grammatical elements.
The results are of applied value in the context of philological activity, and the work can be used by scholars to further explore legal terminology in English-language artistic discourse. It has been found that legal terms are divided into general, special and special technical terms. Also, functioning legal terminology has certain features, namely: a large percentage of legal terms is internationalism; the legal term system has words of particular legal significance and is rarely used in English-language artistic discourse; legal terms are also different in structure and can be single-component, two-component, multi-component and common. The analysis of the semantic load of legal terms in the structure of artistic discourse showed that it is expedient to differentiate legal terminology by the origin of the basics into their own language, words with Latin and French bases. In turn, multicomponent terms are broken down by communication method. The words are divided into nouns and verbs.
Many terms retain their original semantics. Almost all terms correspond to semantics in the field of legal texts, and only a small number can realize the meaning of legal term. Legal terms of English-language artistic discourse are formed in different ways, namely: suffix, prefix, syntactic-morphological and a combination of two bases. Therefore, the most common is the suffix method of creation, and the least common is the prefix one.
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