Keywords: direct speech, belles-lettres words, stylistic devices, newspaper and information style, morphological transformations


Most resources of publicistic style are aimed not only to inform, but also to stimulate emotional readership. The significant feature of nonfiction texts is the combination of expressiveness, which is expressed by means of special syntactic constructions and linguistic means and elements of official and business styles, which distinguish the given style from all others and create a special atmosphere favorable for influencing public opinion.

Each functional style has some linguistic features that significantly influence the course and outcome of the translation process. An important role in the publicistic style is played by the presence of political terms, names and titles, the use of newspaper clichés, the presence of elements of spoken style, jargon and so on. In these circumstances, the role of translation of mass media foreign sources grow to a high level, and if news texts are translated which have an influence on political events, the public, achievements in the field of science, culture and economy, in this case the translation must be accurate, without deviations from the original aim and at the same time understandable and appropriate in terms of style. The purpose of the article is to analyze the grammatical translation transformations used in translating English-language nonfiction texts. In accordance with this goal, the article will focus on the following tasks such as to determine the grammatical features of non-fiction texts; to investigate translation transformations when translating nonfiction texts. Complex methods of research were used in this scientific paper, including descriptive method, contextual-situational, semantic and stylistic analysis, translation analysis. Conclusions. The study of newspaper and mass media texts, conducted in the work from the standpoint of the theory of translation transformations, revealed the patterns of application of translation methods depending on the characteristics of the source text, such as: antonymic translation, descriptive translation, grammatical features of translation, which are divided into morphological syntax .


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