The article deals with the translation peculiarities of the corporative terms in business-trainings. The work analyses the functional usage of corporative terms in corporative texts. The research tries to classify this kind of vocabulary in the translational view. It determines dominant ways of corporative terms’ translation in business-trainings. A system of methods and classifications important for the translation of terms is grounded in this article. The first chapter highlights the topic in terms of theory and practice of translation. The chapter focuses on the theoretical aspects of such concepts as “corporation”, “corporative texts”, “corporative terms”, “corporative special terms” and “corporative term-jargonisms”. The corporation (corpus – “body”) – persons united in a body for some purpose, legally authorized entity. The corporative texts are texts created by corporations and serve the interests of corporations, companies etc. Corporative text types predetermine specific tasks of their lexis translation. According to the type of the audience which the text is oriented to, the corporative texts are divided into the corporative texts for internal communication, corporative texts for external communication and corporative texts of different types. Business-trainings of companies belong to the corporative texts for internal communication. The subdivision of corporative terms into corporative special terms and corporative termjargonisms is the most important for their translation. The second chapter provides translation peculiarities of the corporative terms in the texts of business-trainings. It focuses on the functional, lexical and semantic analysis of the corporative terms in this type of the corporative texts for internal communication. It determines functional peculiarities of corporative special terms and corporative term-jargonisms in these corporative text types and correlation between the terms of the corporative text and ways of their translation. The analysis of corporative terms’ translations defines equivalents, variant correspondences, translational transformations, various calques as the most dominant ways of corporative terms’ translation in corporative texts for internal communication i.e. business-trainings.
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