Keywords: cognitive linguistics, nominative field, field core, field periphery, phrase unit


The current article is devoted to the phraseological field description of the DEATH concept in the Turkish worldview. The understanding of such kind of field structure gives an opportunity to realize the Turks’ attitude to the selected worldview element that is objectifies through the range of the lexical units.

The purpose of this research is to describe in details the structure of the chosen concept in the framework of the Turkish conceptual sphere.

Methodological background of the research is based on the continuous sampling method that provides with the material for the investigation collected from the Turkish phraseological, explanatory and translation dictionaries and the field modeling method that helps to build the phraseological field and describe its structure.

The results of the current research are the phraseological field dividing for the subfield, determination of their inner structure and the defining of the subfields’ place in the nominative field. The article demonstrates the complex attitude of speakers to the concept. All the collected phraseological units reflect the death perception as the physiological process as well as describe the Turkish speakers’ emotions connected to this fact, give the classification of its types and reasons and point out the moment of its coming.

Conclusions. The content of concept as the main mental unit determines with all the variety of the contexts of its using and depends on the worldview dominants. The phraseological system is able to reflect both inner and external as well as the social person’s characteristics and reproduce then according to some special system. The contexts variety of the researched phraseological units demonstrates the fact that their understanding depends on the educational level and the worldview dominants of the recipient.


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