Keywords: cognition, speaking-and-thinking and thinking-and-acting processes, actualization mechanism, synergetics, energetic system, model


Purpose. The paper is aimed at increasing the effectiveness of interdisciplinary linguistic-and-energetic research by way of forming general hypothetical conceptual views on the energetic system and mechanisms responsible for the cognitive processes of speaking-and-thinking realization that occur in the individual’s psychic sphere. Methods. On the basis of a classical deductive analysis of existing scientific assumptions and facts as well as well-known logical and quantitative data, the authors performed the inductive-and-deductive synthesis of main conceptual elements, which allowed them, within the framework of ideas and terminology of the system approach, synergetics and cybernetics, to form a specific methodological foundation for the intelligible interdisciplinary hypothetical-and-conceptual ideas about the energetic system and mechanisms realizing cognitive processes of the individual’s speaking-and-thinking activities. Results. The authors put forward some useful propaedeutic information about neurons of the human brain (in particular, about their real number, connections, ability to process and store information, etc.), energetic characteristics of cognitive processes (namely, the amount of energy consumption for thinking processes, the speed of information impulses between neurons and the like), the mechanisms of memory formation and its types (protein, muscle, chemical, genetic types of memory, etc.). It is shown that cognition is a global ongoing self-developing process, occurring throughout the person’s life during his/her vigilant state and while sleeping. The authors emphasize a unique energetic structure of cognitive processes that form definite psycho-energy fields, characterized by the processes of energy suppression of a smaller force by a greater opposing force as well as the processes of integration and resonance of matching forces, the annihilation of dissipative energetic forces, etc. It is stated that emotions, being certain energetic concepts, are the sources of psychophysiological energies, whose complex interaction determines the direction of a person’s conscious thinking and conditions the integrity / non-integrity of its results in the individual’s memory. It is highlighted that instincts serve as the trigger for any cognitive process or the cognitive system self-development as a whole. The paper also presents methodological stipulations for cybernetic modeling of the structure and functioning regularities of the synergetic interaction of energies that ensure the flow of cognitive processes in the individual’s psychic sphere. Conclusions. A hypothetical picture of the synergetic energetic supply of the self-developing cognitive processes and acts contains theoretical and factual information sufficient to develop the methodology for studying energetic specificity of a number of cognitive phenomena.


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