• Natalya Valerijvna Kutuza Odesa National I. I. Mechnikov University
Keywords: influential component, information exchange, communication, suggestion, verbal communication, non-verbal communication


The article deals with the phenomena of communication and influence. The purpose of the article is to consider specific features of communication and influence phenomenons. In the process of achieving the goal, the following methods are used: descriptive to highlight the peculiarities of communication and influence phenomena; a method of analysis and synthesis to elucidate the constituents of the phenomena of communication and the influence and combination of these constituents into one, the method of induction served to conclude the general conclusions. The article reviews the interpretations of the notion of communication in a number of linguistic sciences – psycholinguistics, communicative linguistics, pragmalinguistics, the theory of language communication, neurolinguistic programming, suggestive linguistics, etc., and emphasizes the established components of sophistication. The analysis of the components of communication, the factors of implementation of the communication, which emphasized the obligatory influential component of communication. The structure of communication is outlined, in particular its phases are described: pre-communicative, communicative, post-communicative, where in the communicative the purpose and the need for information exchange is formed, in the communicative - the process of interaction, in the post-communicative the effects are revealed and feedback is formed. Attention is also drawn to the structure and groups of communication models, such as linear, interactive, transactional, where we distinguish the interactive model, since the addressee determines in some way the actions of the addressee. / transpersonal, interindividual / indirect). It is emphasized that communication not only involves the exchange of information, it also has an influential function. When investigating this phenomenon, it is important to take into account all the components and features of communication that determine its structure and outcome, and to isolate its core and peripheral functions.


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