Sociolinguistic experiment is the study of linguistic factors from a sociological perspective. This is a certain synthesis of scientific approaches that are speculative in nature. Gathering factual data through questionnaires is a time-consuming and time-consuming process that requires particular care and ability to work with statistical tools. The influence of linguistic stereotypes on mentality has been studied by both foreign and domestic scholars, among them are A. Vezhbitskaya, V. Karasik, L. Nagorna, A. Prykhodko, U. Quasthoff, K. Roth, V. Lippmann, R. Bauzinger and others. However, it was mainly done through the selection and analysis of certain, most common stereotypes. The purpose of the article is to show that by anonymous questioning of certain reference groups it is possible to trace the transformation of stereotypical perception of the reality and its reflection in the language. The purpose of the questionnaire was to establish the level of self-identification of students of the National Music Academy of Ukraine named after P. Tchaikovsky with the language, culture and mentality of the Ukrainian ethno-linguistic community, to study its characteristic features, to learn about the quality of stereotypical ideas and linguistic and cultural concepts circulating among students-musicians. Methods. Sociolinguistic experiment and comparative analysis. The results of the study are presented as a percentage and are refined in the form of a drawing, table and tag cloud. Conclusions.
Through sociolinguistic experiment and comparative analysis of the data obtained on the material of 150 questionnaires of students of different faculties of NMAU, were analyzed the language stereotypes circulating in the mental space of Ukrainians. The research was conducted anonymously and therefore the data obtained are as objective as possible. And although the questionnaire data with a range of “yes” and “no” answers is much easier to statistically process, the preference was given to variability, which allowed us to work with lively and emotionally colored material.
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