The article considers the problems of translating a historical fiction movie as a genre of film text. In the research, an extralingual factor of historical movie text is determined. A historical fiction movie is a kind of movies where certain historic periods and particularities of the past are shown. Most commonly, the subject matter of such a film is dramatic and life-changing events in the life of some countries and societies. In the course of translation of a historical fiction movie, the author of translation, first of all, faces the concept of stylistic tonality which, in contrast to the phonetic one, represents the concentration of expressive means of the text applied by the author in their speech activity with the aim to reflect the essence of the subject matter and their personal attitude to it. In the case of a historical movie, this is about stylistic dramatic-epic tonality. The components of dramatic-epic tonality are tragic stylistic tonality and pathetic stylistic tonality.
The expressiveness of a movie's cinematographic text is associated with an open evaluation and embodied by lexical emotions that express expressiveness. It is in the lexical meaning of units, fixed in the semantic structure of the word. One of the main tasks for the translator of a historical fiction movie is finding out expressive stylistic means of dramatic-epic tonality and their adequate translation.
In the process of a historical fiction movie translation, the top priority belongs to conveying authors’ pragmatic concept to the target audience speaking another language. The reproduction of dramatic nature and expression of the base text are not always possible after the adaptation of the original text. Except all the difficulties arising during conveying means of dramatic-epic tonality of a historical movie, it is necessary to try to preserve extralingual and linguistic components of the original film text to the maximum extent.
The main task for the translator of a historical movie is the revelation of expressive stylistic means of dramatic-epic tonality and their adequate translation.
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