The article is devoted to the Ukrainian oral speech at the synchronous level, in particular, the pronunciation features of the Ukrainian language. Based on the poll, an attempt to determine the level of knowing vowels was made, including the pronunciation of unstressed [е], [и], [о], initial stressed [і] depending on the sphere of activity of respondents and the region of Ukraine (North, South, West, East, Central). Important pronunciation problems and stable vowel norms are identified. The purpose of the research is to substantiate the normativity and the historical organic nature of the orthoepy system of Ukrainian verbal speech in diachrony (written monuments) and synchrony (speaking of modern Ukrainian youth in Ukraine).
Methods. Analysis and synthesis are used in the study; induction; deduction; observation; taxonomy (for the classification of orthoepy phenomena, in particular words representing the orthoepy of sounds); quantitative analysis (to determine the frequency of sticking to standards of orthoepy and the percentage of possession of orthoepy standards); descriptive method (for a generalized description of the functioning of the norms of pronunciation in diachrony and synchrony). Special linguistic methods including comparatively and historical (to compare orthoepy features in synchrony (modern living pronunciation) and diachrony (reflection in written memos; to study the historical roots of each demanding norm)); comparative (to identify the specificity of the picture of orthoepy in different regions of Ukraine); method of linguistic geography (to determine the spatial functioning of the orthoepy phenomenon).
Results. In specifically suggested words when pronouncing the unstated vowels [e], [и], [o] and initial vowel [і], there are deviations caused by the influence of spelling, lack of theoretical knowledge [vе́ршник], [vиде́лка], [житʹ:а́], [vерши ́на], [vесна́], [vезʼі́н:ʹа], [перу́ка], [і́н̊ одʹ і], [з ̊оз у́лᶦ а], [пр ̊ омʼ ін':а] or only in the absence of a theoretical base [усʹмʼіха́јец:ʹа].
Conclusions. Thus, we consider weak norms to pronounce unstressed [о] before stressed [у] (35% of all polled in Ukraine hold), unstressed [о] before stressed [і] (31%), initial stressed [і] (34%)). Opponents who pronunce of the unstressed [е] (весна, 72%) and the unstressed [e] in the position between soft consonants (усміхається, 48%) know the norms. But it is not considered to be a strong norm and is not respected in Eastern Ukraine by any respondent. The norms of unstressed [o] before stressed [і], initial stressed [і] are not observed at all in Western and Eastern Ukraine. Possession of the orthoepy of vowels in Ukraine is regarded as a weak norm and is only 37%: pronunciation of the unstressed [и] – 40%; pronunciation of the unstressed [e] – 41%; pronunciation of the unstressed [e] as [еі] – 38%; pronunciation unstressed [o] – 30%; pronunciation of the stressed initial [і] – 34%. The pronunciation of the unstressed [e] as [еі] is considered to be the weakest standard for the eastern region, the pronunciation of the unstressed [и] as [иᵉ], [е ͧ ], [е] for the western region, so no respondent reproduced vocal assimilation due to the influence of spelling and is a gross violation of the norm.
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