Keywords: fixed collocations, simple collocations, complex collocations, direct and figurative lexical meaning


The purpose of our work is concerned with the study of established phrases in the socio-political sphere.

In the conditions of democratization of social life, it became possible to speak openly and write not only in a narrow circle, but also to speak publicly, to express our thoughts freely through mass media (press, television, internet resources), using various expressive means (stylistically neutral and stylistically marked vocabulary as well as vocabulary for specific purposes).

Methods. In the work for the study of fixed collocations are used methods of observation and descriptive method to find out the stylistic load of collocations. The phrases of the modern Ukrainian language used in our periodical were taken for the analysis, their groups were defined by their structure and lexical meaning.

Results. Attention was also paid to the internet resources because at the present stage of language development and vocabulary replenishment, they play an important role. Lexical means are diverse here, mostly they belong to the literary and journalistic genre. Some collocations of social and political sphere from the largest in the world social network are analyzed, namely on the pages: “EuroMaidan-EvroMaydan”, “News of Ukraine and the world”, “Institutions of professional higher education of Ukraine”, “Ukrayinska Pravda”, etc. The authors of these posts highlight the problems of state formation, socio-political life, the phenomena of the present day according to their relevance and value to the reader.

Television has the unique ability to influence the audiovisual level on the average viewer and reach a wide audience. Today television remains the leading news coverage. It became widely developed and remains the leader among other media in terms of consumption and audience size.

The analysis of fixed collocations, which appeared in the news announcements on the TV channel “1+1”, was conducted. It is a Ukrainian national TV channel, which is included in the media conglomerate “1+1 Media” and is one of the most rated TV channels. In our work we have used newscasts of TSN from 01/08/2020 and 01/27/2020. We focused attention on the most relevant established phrases of today. They were divided into groups by structure and determined their lexical coloring.

Conclusions. Having analyzed the scientific researches of vocabulary replenishment in Ukrainian language, it was concluded that none of the explorations touched the analysis of fixed collocations in the socio-political sphere. Therefore, the study of these units in modern Ukrainian is relevant today.


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