Keywords: language, culture of speech, social stratum of population, deviant behavior, slang, task forces are closed


Results. The problems of the modern youth broadcasting, functioning of youth slang as realities of present time are considered in this article. The linguistic phenomenon is investigational “slang” as dynamic, periodically changeable, sociocultural phenomenon of different layers of population and age categories. Generalized theoretical concept to the “slang”. Expediency of the use of slang is reasonable in the way of life and business language. The ways of forming of youth slang are certain. Also this secret service analyses the use of unnormative vocabulary in modern literary Ukrainian. Оf separate lexemes of youth slang is traced and factors that influence on the origin of those or other language units are determined. The used lexemes of youth sublanguage are found out.

On the basis of dictionary information a slang is classified on separate thematic groups after by birth and method of the use in broadcasting. The special groups of slang – professionalisms are certain. Paid attention to groups of slang the separate groups closed, in cipher for a general consumption, in particular, by young people with behavior.

The positive and negative consequences of the use of slang and his influence are analysed on forming of vocabulary of teenagers and young people. The role of slang is certain for development of sociocultural language situation and moral, on the whole.

Conclusions. In the article the role of slang is certain in broadcasting of modern youth, words and expressions are investigational, their specific is found out and a few varieties of slang are distinguished with different lexical connotation. It is well-proven that a slang is a constituent of youth culture and thinking, original verbal code, and consequently, youth jargon is organic part of Ukrainian speech.


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