• Tetiana Ivanivna Krupenyova South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky
Keywords: onomastics, ideonyms, filmonyms, one-word phrases


The article analyzes the structural and semantic features of Ukrainian contemporary filmonyms. The rason for relevance of the research topic is the need for a comprehensive study of contemporary Ukrainian filmmakers and a description of their characteristic features as a special type of onyms. The object of the study is the name of Ukrainian filmonyms of the 21st century. The subject of the study are the semantic and structural features of contemporary Ukrainian filmonyms. The purpose of the study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the linguistic features of Ukrainian filmonyms. It is stated that both the title of a movie and the title of a literary work are full components of the text, absorbing its content, ideological and genre features. The name of a motion picture can also be derived from the name of a work of art, which is especially true of films based on the events described in the book. The title of a book can be a way of attracting the viewer's attention, even if the author of the movie addresses it only for the purpose of creating an allusion. Filmonyms play an informative function that has a dual role, because on the one hand, it informs the audience about the content of the film, and on the other hand, it pushes them to watch the film, that is, the informative feature of the filmonym covers both the advertising and pragmatic functions. It is proved that the use of resources of different lexical strata, evaluative vocabulary, visual and expressive means and phraseologisms not only enhances the speech, but also enhances its influence on the readers, helps express the author's idea more clearly and vividly. And a well-thought-out selection of words in the title of a film can contribute to its pragmatic setting and expressive function. At the semantic level, filmonyms were identified that indicate a hero - names, mock names, a certain feature of their image or character, profession; as well as those that point to a location, it can be both real and imaginary. Of interest is a mixed group that combines several semantic components. By structural features, the filmonyms were divided into three groups: name-word-forms; name-phrase; name-sentence: onefold and two-fold. 350 films have been analyzed according to the structure (including proper movie titles that contain motion picture products for different age categories, films, cartoons, series, TV programs and shows), of which two- and onecomponent word combinations are dominant.


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