The article deals with the peculiarities of the functioning of vulgar lexis in texts on socio-political topics, negative tendency of the intensification of vulgar and rough words, their entering into the language of modern publicist were analyzed.
Purpose – is to determine the peculiarities of the functioning of vulgar lexis and to analyze lexically and stylistically vulgarisms in the language of modern press.
Methodological basis of the research is the understanding of vulgarisms and the peculiarities of their functioning in texts on socio-political topics. Methods are predetermined by the purpose and tasks. The article uses the descriptive method, functional-stylistic method and method of transformational analysis.
Results. There are constant changes in modern Ukrainian language, under the influence of linguistic and extralinguistic factors. These changes are very good seen in publicist, in particular in the language of mass communication. They show the democratization in different spheres of life, some emotionality, evaluation, aggressiveness, computerization, that in its turn reflects the language. As it was noticed by O. Taranenko, the processes of democratization and liberalization are marked by active search for new expressive and pictorial means of language in the media, leveling of features, improper to the language of journalism, weakening and blurring of certain stylistic restrictions, loosening of linguistic and spelling norms, etc, (Taranenko, 2019: 33–34). The processes of democratization and liberalization predetermine the tendency for discourse to be found by the fact that in media texts linguistic units are actualized that are on the periphery of literary language, in particular spoken language, and even those, that are beyond. It is about argotisms, jargons, slangisms, vulgarisms, dialectisms, which the authors of publications actively use to achieve a certain stylistic effect.
Conclusions. Language enrichment by spoken, mostly vulgar elements is evidenced by the processes of democratization and liberalization in society. The analyzed tokens reflect the state of development of society, give a concrete evaluation of the phenomena, events, people; they invigorate the presentation of material by providing publicist texts with accessibility and ease. At the same time, frequent use of these words leads to littering of the language with non-literary vocabulary and to vulgarization of speech.
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