The purpose of the article is on the basis of modern mass media sources to group and determine the functional-stylistic load of verbs that are outside the literary language, to characterize them as means of implementation of certain informative-expressive functions and to analyze them with the e mphasis on modern social dynamics.
Methods. A complex of linguistic methods to achieve the formulated goal and the solution of the tasks is used, in particular: descriptive (for determining differential features of spoken nominations), componential (for grouping the analyzed linguistic items in view of their lexical meaning), complex analysis, which made it possible to consider verbs of certain group against the background of lexical-semantic and stylistic linguistic levels; the method of contextual- semantic analysis, which contributed to the study of informal verbs in the aspect of the textual environment and more likely to outline their originality; transformational techniques (for identifying semantic similarities and differences between the primary and secondary meanings of described informal verbs because of the peculiarities of their modifications).
Results. Informal verbs from newspaper articles are structured into three groups:
1) lexical items that function with the meaning that is in the dictionary: розбазарювати, поцупити, спустити, угробити, etc.;
2) verbal forms that are fixed in lexicographic works, however, in the researched newspaper publications they are used with a different meaning: тирити, розпилювати, віджати etc.;
3) linguistic items that are not recorded in the volume 11 of the “Ukrainian Dictionary”: профукати, прогульбанити, розтранжирити. Informal verbal forms of all three varieties reflect the processes with money and in general the financial-economic activities of Ukraine. Using them, journalists seek to focus on the negative phenomena in modern society, on misuse in the economic sector, corruption schemes, uncontrolled use of public funds, arbitrariness of officials, etc. The authors try to present information in order to interest the readers, concentrate their attention on what is being informed, to make the psychological impact on the reader more powerful, and for this purpose different language items, including informal ones, are selected.
Conclusions. Informal verbal forms from mass media sources, firstly, serve as a means of reflecting the main events in the economic life of Ukrainians and their state, and on the other hand, they give information the emotional-expressive coloring, most often negative, especially when it comes to violations in the economic sector.
The perspective of scientific research is seen in the study of legal vocabulary in economic texts.
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