Keywords: one-member sentence, semantics, artistic speech, representatives, expressives, quesitives


Purpose. The purpose of the research is to study nominative sentences in a communicative-pragmatic aspect. The source of the study was the collection “Time of creativity” by V. Stus, which was written during the author’s stay in pretrial detention facility. The actual base is 100 nominative sentences.

The following methods were used to highlight the communicative pragmatic parameters of nominative sentences: descriptive method made it possible to analyze the semantic and communicative properties of the studied constructs, quantitative calculations made it possible to find out the number and functional dynamics of varieties of the studied units, contextual-interpretive method contributed to the determination of communicative-pragmatic load of nominative constructs, and the semantics is specified using component analysis.

Results. Several types of communicative acts are distinguished among the nominative sentences that function in V. Stus’ artistic speech. They are characterized as representatives, expressives and quesitives. Representatives descriptively ascertain whether there is a substantive or situational existence. Two semantic subtypes are distinguished on the material of the studied collection: existential-subjective and existential-situational. The first ones report on an object or an abstract concept. Second ones qualify the situation by describing a substantially represented event, state, by providing a spatial or temporal characteristic.

Nominative sentences that are expressives contain an emotional evaluation of existence. They express different feelings: joyfulness, enthusiasm, sadness, etc. A modal question value is inherent for the quesitives.

Conclusions. The communicative capabilities of nominative sentences represent their functional-semantic varieties. Representatives implement existential-subjective nomination, sentences-expressives are characterized by the semantics of the emotional-expressive plan. Quesitives function with interrogative modality. They are able to convey the semantics of existence in a concise form, express expressive-estimative layers and depend on communicative intentions. Most often V. Stus uses representations that have a corresponding pragmatic meaning – express the semantics of existence. Nominative sentences of different types have a strong communicative-pragmatic potential because they add liveliness, brevity, restraint and clarity to a text or its fragment.

All types of sentences have big communicative and stylistic capabilities for the implementing the author's intention, which is displayed through economical formal and grammatical means.


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